Sunday, March 22, 2020

                            THE NATURE RETURNS

                                         Akshaya Kumar Sahoo

As the humans retreat, the nature returns

To reclaim its place,
With the noise of vehicles silenced
The birds appear in the backyard,
Singing the earth’s song and rejoice.

The fishes in the river, dolphins in the lake
Swim to the shore with no fear,
They also jump up over the water,
To glimpse at the clear sky,
And, chat with birds flying over.

The forests look calm and serene
With wood smugglers shelving saws,
And, hunters staying off;
Elephants, tigers, jackals, deer, and hare
Make merry, with no enemity and standoff.

With no dynamite blasts and stone crushing
Serenity prevails with affluence
On the hills and mountains,
Giving rebirth to scores of
Streams and fountains.

The rays of morning sun splatters
Thousand pearls on streams and river,
The tiny waves swing in the pure air
Rainbows play all around
The sight is full of life, seen rare.

For children, the home has become heaven
As Papa and Mama stay off work,
Smiles return to elders,
The house dazzles with happiness
As the reunion dispels the distressing dark.

(This poem was written on March 22, 2020, the day India observed Janta Curfew to fight spread of Covid-19)


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