Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tata Power Club Enerji Launches Mera Club Enerji

By Our Correspondent (www.indusvalleytimes.com)

Bhubaneswar, Oct. 18; Club Enerji (formerly known as Tata Power Energy Club) Tata Power’s nationwide energy conservation movement, has launched an interactive section on its website- www.clubenerji.com (formerly known as www.tatapowerenergyclub.com), exclusively for its Mera Club Enerji (mini energy club) members!

The Mera Club section takes Club Enerji’s involvement level with students a step further by giving them a platform to showcase energy and resource conservation initiatives undertaken by them.

This interactive section is built on the lines of a social networking platform where students can upload their Mera Club details, pictures and videos of their initiatives and share their experiences with other similar clubs.


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